The Play’s the Thing: Video Series and More!

Like so many other artists and educators out there, this pandemic hasn’t slowed me down. If anything, it’s pushed me to amp up resource creation and leap out of my comfort zone into the realm of remote instruction. In addition to creating and remotely facilitating Trauma-Informed Practice for Arts Education Administrators with the Bartol Foundation,... Continue Reading →

Just With: Non-Verbal Cues in Writing and Theatre

I'm excited to report that I recently received my first round of edits from my publisher for my debut Young Adult novel. While I’m no different than anyone else who feels a lot of pressure when it comes to revision, my background in theatre and new play development has taught me to see the feedback... Continue Reading →

Theme Memes: Start With The End

When I conference with writers, they often say they’re having trouble coming up with a satisfying ending. Instead of talking to them about their plot, I ask them to tell me about their intended impact: when their audience reaches the end, what do they want them to be feeling and thinking? Some writers are immediately... Continue Reading →

The Status Game, Begging For a Remix

On the Making Learning Connected hangout tonight, the conversation about hacking games, as well as Kim Douillard’s story about an amazing Monopoly remix, reminded me of one of the oldest improv games I know.  I’m sure it goes by many different names, but I learned it as The Status Game. Thanks to the structure provided... Continue Reading →

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